Saturday, December 17, 2011

3.07 Free choice Blog (CPR Saves Lives)

I recently read an article in a nursing journal at my nursing program at school. The article was about how CPR can save lives, and how getting the community educated on giving CPR, and how it can potentially save more people. The American Heart Association has recently changed the guidelines on how CPR is given. They have made it much easier for people of all ages to learn it and to also not be afraid to offer their services if ever needed. Before the change people were afraid to give CPR because of transmission of a disease like HIV. Since these changes, people do not have to give mouth to mouth, and can just do chest compressions, and if an ambu bag is available you can use that to deliver the breaths without ever having to touch the person’s mouth. I hope that CPR becomes a requirement for students and can become certified. Also hope it can be taught at churches, temples, and workplaces not just in the medical field.